
PlainSpokenCritic is written by me, Allesandra Lanza, a simple gal who toils in corporate communications by day, but by night combines her love of writing and tv/film obsession into this (hopefully) entertaining blog. So kind of like a superhero but without the cape or goofy get-up. And without the part about saving people or catching bad guys. Ok, so actually nothing at all like a superhero. But what this blog can do is save you from those painful reviews by the “real” critics–you know, the ones that try way too hard to prove their writing skills, use four-syllable words and leave you saying “what the what”? (Dude, you’re reviewing the latest episode of Girls, not Raging Bull. Chillax.) So in that way, I am indeed like a superhero – no need to thank me! Anyway, I originally hail from Boston’s North End and now live in the cranberry land of Carver, Massachusetts, where I’m typically  snuggled up with my husband and two Boston Terriers in front of the boob tube. Thanks for reading this blog and leave a comment or two!

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